
tional aspect of universal human sex behavior. In Hollywood, the CitizenNews did it in January, perhaps as a strike in the newspaper's effort to establish itself as a metropolitan area daily after two others ceased publication.

Miami has beat the drum also, and there homosexuals are reported to have civil rights denied them in accordance with the whim of many public officials and police.


In Kansas City, Milwaukee, Honolulu, New Orleans, Montreal and Minneapolis, to name a few places where the press has gone on a campaign of outrage within the past few years, citizens have discovered something which a lot of people have known all along: Homosexuals are everywhere.

There is neither more nor less homosexuality today than yesterday, only a greater awareness of it. And the problem won't go away by sweeping it under the rug or sensationalizing

it to the heavens.

Last, but by no means least, we take strong exception to Matheny's ideas-as reported by Mr. Thompson-as to how "homosexuals"give police trouble:

"Young tough guys will lure them on, then roll them and beat them up in some quiet spot. Older men have posed as detectives to shake down

homosexuals, who won't report it to है us..."


My, the police do have their troubles, don't they? This type of reasoning, here attributed to Capt. Matheny but also prevalent elsewhere,


whereby the victim is condemned for the crime, is not only a clear and present danger to the homosexual and society at large, but assaults the very citadel of Reason itself! How callow can you get?


"Sex Probe May Ask Subpenas," headlines the Miami Herald (April 22), and "Metro Has List of Homosexuals," announces Miami News (April 25).

According to the Herald, "Jack Dade's school board, testified that Prance, director of personnel of he keeps a file of former school emdrivers, cafeteria workers-who are ployees-teachers, not re-employable."

janitors, bus

Later, Prance stated, "Homosexuality is a very small factor. Compiling this file of employees and applicants over the past five years has turned up practically everythingfrom inability to keep a classroom in order all the way to armed robbery and murder."

We agree that in the above context, homosexuality is a very small factor.

ask the next Legislature to give subThe Johns Committee, which may pena powers to county school boards, is "investigating homosexuality in the Florida school system."

It might do well to investigate the "armed robbery and murder" first, and then to learn the difference between good and bad homosexuals before proceeding further along that line.

mattachine REVIEW


Or is that the purpose of the subhassee." penas?

The News reported that Metro police have a list of 3,000 local persons suspected of being practicing homosexuals.'

"Sheriff Thomas Kelly told law enforcement officials that persons on the list are from 8 to 80. He said they tend to stay in groups and had many contacts throughout the country. "I feel that these people are sick,'

he said."

"He reported 25 morals arrests of adult homosexuals involved with children in the last year."

But the reader should bear in mind that "adult" can and frequently does mean 21-years-old, while "child" can and frequently does mean only 20. But that wouldn't sound sensational.

"The conference was called by Gov. Bryant with the purpose of informing lawmen of the 'serious and growing problem of homosexuality and other sexual perversions in the state,' said Vernon Williams, in charge of training and research for the Florida Sheriffs Bureau at Talla-


""The governor feels a diligent effort on the part of all agencies to curb the growth of homosexuality is required. But it is not our intention to start a witch hunt.'

The article also stated that the Florida Children's Commission has recommended to the governor better sex education for children, but did not state what "better sex education" might be. Nor have any public officials, as far as we know.

But Williams added that strong preventive programs are needed to curb adult homosexuals from introducing youths into homosexuality, and said it is up to law enforcement officials to carry out Florida's clear-cut laws. In Florida, as in almost all of our 50 states (except Illinois), homosexual acts are illegal whether involving children or adults, force or invitation, or what have you. It might be well for the persons concerned above to study the Illinois Criminal Code and the reasoning behind it in the course of their investigations.

And do with a little less sensationalism.

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